Mponda Dam Project
Mponda Dam Project
October 2022 - Present
Mponda Vilage, Mulendema Chiefdom, Zambia
1 of 35 Dams Built
BLC working together with a group of leaders (Coregroup) from Mponda seniority of Mulendema Village in Mumbwa district in Zambia, have decided to set up Weir dam within Mponda seniority as a way of helping the village deal with placing water needs that they face. BLC has engaged Chipo Mbewe a water engineer who works for the water resources department to provide expertise on the project. So far 4 sites for dam construction have been identified and BLC is currently mobilizing with the community so that the sites can be cleared for topographic survey. The following are the objectives of this project;
- To recharge the underground water in the project area
- To provide alternative sources of water during droughts and dry spells
- To fight climate change by encouraging resources efficiency
- To promote alternative means of income generation