By Life Connected is a Zambian not-for-profit organization that aims to empower communities to lead their own sustainable development, thereby safeguarding natural areas in the process

Students learning about the importance of nature
People gained food security through check dams
Bamboos planted as an alternative to charcoal and timber for cooking
Sustainable clean cooking stoves distributed to communities

What We Do

What We Do

By Life Connected serves the needs of the community in co-designing sustainable food systems. This relieves pressure on natural resources in both natural and economic areas. Currently, By Life Connected is active in the Greater Kafue Ecosystem and Livingstone area in Zambia.



We aim to realize equal opportunities and rights for women, children and men through communal unity and collaboration. 


In doing this, we can target people’s primary needs and improve the foundation for basic wealth and health.



We aim to regenerate the natural environment together with the communities we work with. 


By changing the narrative, we can create abundance instead of scarcity. For example, with good soil health in agriculture, nature can realize the needs of the people.




We aim to protect the wildlife through regenerative, alternative sources of income and equal opportunities. 


By providing this, people will refrain from relying on illegal activities like bushmeat poaching and charcoal burning.

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