Check Dam Project
Check Dam Project
October 2022 - Present
Mponda Seniority, Mulendema Chiefdom, Zambia
4 of 35 dams built

Through the ABCD method (see ‘Our Model’) the core group of community leaders have decided to set up a check dam within Mponda seniority. A check dam is a semi-permeable dam with an overflow. During the rainy season, the water can flow through and over it. When moving towards the dry season, the water flow slows down, and more water will remain behind in the dam and fill up the water table.
With this dam, the core group members hope to help their people with the water shortage challenges they face every dry season. In 2022 the first dam was built in Mponda village, with the help of two governmental water engineers. In 2023 three other dams are being built under their guidance.
At the first dam site, there is an organic community garden created which is maintained and used by the people living around the dam site. They started their own dam committee that is responsible for the maintenance of the dam, the pump and usage of the water from the dam. The people with vegetable gardens next to the dam, have participated in workshops at the ‘demonstration farm’ where they learned how to grow vegetables organically with the use of composting and home-made, organic pesticides.
Creating a few dams, won’t create the system change we are aiming for. Therefore, there is a long-term plan to install 35 dams. For more information about this Sustainable Food System, download the concept note here.
This project is implemented in partnership with: